United States of America - Certificate of Citizenship

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  • Title United States of America - Certificate of Citizenship 
    DATE 8 Mar 1938 
    DATV 3 Dec 2006 
    LOCA Falvey>Certificate>Files & Genealogy>Scans Images>Citizenship Papers 
    MEDI Paper & PSD Jpg 
    TYPE Certificate of Citizenship 
    Source ID S962 
    Text The United States of America - No 4238168
    Certificate of Citizenship
    Petition No 238833
    Personal details of holder as of date of naturalisation: Age 35 years; sex Female; color White;
    cpmplexion Fair; color of eyes Blue; color of hair Brown; height 5 feet 0 inches;
    weight 114 pounds; visible disitictive marks None; Marital status Married; former nationality British.
    I certify that the description above given is true and that the photograph affixed hereto is a likeness of me.
    United States of America Eastern Distict of New York} SS:
    Be it known that Kate O'Halloran the residing at 1560 Fifty-eighth Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.
    having petitioned to be admitted a citizen of the United States of America, and at
    a term of the District Court of The United States held pursuant to law at Brooklyn on March 8th 1938
    the court having found the petiioner intends to reside permanently in the
    United States, had in all respects complied with the naturalisation laws of the United
    States in such case applicable and was entitled to be so admitted, the court thereupon
    ordered that the petioner be admitted as a citizen of the United States of America.
    In the testimony whereof the seal of the court is hereunto affixed this 8th day of March
    in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty eight and of our Independence the
    one hundred and sixty second. Percy G B Gilkes, Clerk of the US District Court.
    By James H Pively Deputy Clerk 
    Linked to (2) Catherine (Kate) (Kitty) FALVEY
    Timothy (Tim) O'HALLORAN 

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