Army Service Record

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  • Title Army Service Record 
    DATV 6 Aug 2007 
    LOCA O'Mahony>Certificates>Files & Genealogy>Scans Images>Military>Mulcahy Michael  
    MEDI Paper, PSD & Jpg  
    SUBM Army Record - Michael Mulcahy 
    TYPE Military Service Records 
    Source ID S1128 
    Text Parts 1-2

    Form 1
    551 Patrick St Cork
    Army Form B2505
    (For the Duration of the War)
    No. 124158 TH, Name - Michael Mulcahy, Corps - ASC Driver.

    Questions put to the Recruit before enlistment

    1. What is your name? 1. Michael Mulcahy
    2. What is tour full Address - 2. 13 Farren Street Cork.
    3. Are you a British Subject? 3. Yes.
    4. What is your Age? 4. 23 years - months.
    5. What is your Trade or Calling? 5. Labourer.
    6. Are you Married? 6. No.
    7. Have you ever served in any branch of His majesty's Forces, naval or military, If so* which? 7. No.
    You are hereby warned that if after enlistment it is found that you have given a wilfully false answer to any of the following seven questions, you will be liable to a punishment of two years imprisonment with hard labour.
    8. Are you willing to be vaccinated or re-vaccinated? 8. Yes.
    9. Are you willing to be enlisted for General Service? 9. Yes.
    10. Did you receive a Notice, and do you understand its meaning, and who gave it to you? 10. Yes. Name - Segt Byrne, Corps - P.P.R.
    11. Are you willing to serve upon the following conditions provided His Majesty should so long require your services?
    For the duration of the War at the end of which you will be discharged with all convenient speed. If employed with Hospitals, depots of Mounted Units, and as Clerks etc., you may be retained after the termination of hostilities until your services can be spared, but such retention shall in no case exceed six months.11. Yes.

    I Michael Mulcahy do solemnly declare that the above answers made by me to the above questions are true, and that I am willing to fulfil the engagements made - Michael Mulcahy SIGNATURE OF RECRUIT. J Chambers. Signature of Witness


    I Michael Mulcahy swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true Allegiance to His Majesty King George the Fifth and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend His majesty, His Heirs, and Successors in Person, Crown, and dignity against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of His Majesty, His Heirs, and Successors, and of the Generals and Officers set over me. So help me God.


    The Recruit above named was cautioned by me that if he made any false answer to any of the above questions he would be liable to be punished as provided in the Army Act.
    The above questions were then read to the Recruit in my presence.
    I have taken care that he understands each question, and that his answer to each question has been duly entered as replied to, and the said recruit has made and signed the declaration and taken the oath before me at CORK on this 23rd day of November 1915. Signature of Justice - R Robertsxxs, Cork

    Certificate of Approving Officer

    I certify that the Attestation of the above-named Recruit is correct and properly filed up, and that the required forms appear to have been complied with. I accordingly approve, and appoint him to the t............................
    If enlisted by special authority, Army form B203 (or other authority for the enlistment) will be attached to the original attestation.
    Date................191 . ................................Approving Officer
    Place....................... ................................
    The signature of the Approving Officer is to be affixed in the presence of the Recruit.
    tHere insert the "Corps" for which the recruit has been enlisted

    *If so the Recruit is to be asked the particulars of his former Service, and to produce, if possible, his Certificate of Discharge and Certificate of Character, which should be returned to him conspicuously endorsed on red ink, as follows,
    Viz.-( in the (Regiment)................on the (Date).................

    Form 2


    Name - Michael Mulcahy
    Apparent Age 23 years - months. Height 5 feet 5 inches.
    Chest Measurement - Girth when fully expanded 36? inches, Range of expansion 3 inches.

    fit for service home and abroad - G Juisaxx MD


    Name and address of next of Kin - Mary Mulcahy, 13 Farren Street, Cork. Relationship - Mother.


    (a) Christian and Surname of Woman to whom married, and whether spinster, widow, - . (b) place and date of marriage - ,
    (c) Present address - , and (d) Initials of officer verifying entry - .


    - Christian Names - , Date and Place of birth - ,


    Service towards limited engagement reckons from 23.11.15
    Joined at Braoford (?) on 3.12.15.

    Corps in which served - A.S.C, Regt or Depot - 3, Promotions, Reductions, Casualties etc. - Attested,
    Army Rank - Dr., Dates - 23.11.15 H Sunpeon? Lt & QMr A S C.

    Corps in which served - A.S.C., Regt or Depot - 3, Promotions, Reductions, Casualties etc. - Discharge (Para 392 (ii) RR) "Having been irregularly enlisted", Army Rank - Dr., Dates - 8.12.15 J H E PowerPowis? 4 Capt OC 3 Coy ASC

    Corps in which served - Home, Regt or Depot - , Promotions, Reductions, Casualties etc. - 23.11.15 to 8.12.15.

    Total Service forfeited as above - .

    Total Service towards Engagement to 8.12.15.........(date of discharge) ? years, 16 days.

    Total Service towards Pension to nil......(date of discharge) years, days. J H E PowerPowis? 4 Capt OC 3 Coy ASC 
    Linked to (4) Michael CLIFFORD
    Mary HICKEY
    Michael MULCAHY
    Catherine RIORDAN 

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