Notes |
- Dob variations -
US 1900 Census - Feb 1865,
US 1910 Census - 1865,
Death Cert - 17 Mar 1866.
Different Immigration dates,
1900 census -1880,
1910 census - 1888.
Margaret Corcoran in the Ireland, Catholic Parish Registers, 1655-1915
Name: Margaret Corcoran
Baptism Age: 0
Event Type: Baptism
Birth Date: 1859
Baptism Date: 21 Mar 1859
Baptism Place: Clonoulty, Tipperary, Ireland
Residence Place:Kilcroe
Parish Variants: Clogher, Clonoulty and Clogher, Clonoulty and Rossmore, Rossmore
Diocese: Cashel and Emly
Father: Daniel Corcoran
Mother: Elizabeth Cavanagh
Date - March 21, Year - 1859
Name - Margaret of
Parents - Daniel Corcoran & Elizabeth Cavanagh
Residence - Kilcroe
Date of Birth -
Sponsors - William Croagh & Mary Cavanagh
Celebrant - .
Image 1BirthCerts>Corcoran downloaded but not assigned a Source No. (CorcoranMargaret_1858BapCertSCFull.jpg)
First Page
Received Oct 14 1897
No. of Certificate - 15485
I hereby certify that Thomas Mulcahy and Margaret Corcoran were joined in Marriage by me, in accordance with
the Laws of the State of New York, in the City of New York, this 19 day of September 1897.
Witnesses to the Marriage - John Moran? & Emma Dwyer?
Signature of person performing the Ceremony - W F O'Connor
Date of Marriage - September 19, 1897
Groom's Full Name - Thomas Mulcahy
Groom's Residence - 15 - W - 31
Age - 29
Color - White
Single or Widowed - Single
Birthplace - Ireland
Father's Name - Matthew Mulcahy
Mother's Maiden Name - Mary Lyons
Number of Groom's Marriage - 1st
Bride's Full Name- Margaret Corcoran
Bride's Residence - 147 - W - 36.
Age - 30
Color - White
Single or Widowed - Single.
Maiden Name if a Widow - .
Birthplace - Ireland
Father's Name - Daniel Corcoran.
Mother's Maiden Name - Elizabeth Cavanagh
Number of Bride's Marriage - 1st
Name of person performing the Ceremony - W F O'Connor
Official Station - Priest.
Residence - 139 - W - 36.
Second Page
We the Groom and Bride name in this Certificate, hereby certify,
that the information given therein is correct, to the best of
our knowledge and belief.
Signed: - Groom, - Bride, Signed in the Presence of: - and - .
NYC Grooms Index Results
Mulchahey Thomas, Sep 19, 1897, Manhattan, Cert No 15485.
NYC Brides Record Index
Corcoran Margaret, Sep 19, 1897, Manhattan, Cert No 15485.
1900 USA Census
State - New York, County - Queens, Twelfth Census of the United States : Schedule No. 1 - Population, Supervisors District No 2, Enumeration district no 636, sheet no 19.
Township or other division of County - City of New York, Name of institution - .
Name of incorporated city, town, or village, within the above named division - Borough of Queens.
Enumerated by me on the 21st day of June 1900, Andrew Vamderbredt - Enumerator.
Address 176 8th St., Queens, NY, USA
Mulcahy Thomas, Head, White, Male, DOB May 1865, Age 35, Married, Years married - 3,
Born Ireland, Father born Ireland, Mother born Ireland, Year of Immigration to US - 1893, Number of years in US - 7, Naturalization - Na, Occupation - Day Labourer, Months not employed - 0
Attended school in Months - , Can Read - Yes, Can write - Yes, Able to speak English - Yes.
Ownership of Home, Owned or Rented - R, Farm or House - H,
Mulcahy Margaret, Wife, White, Female, DOB Feb 1865, Age 35, Married, Years married - 3,
Mother of how many children - 0, Number of them children living - 0.
Born Ireland, Father born Ireland, Mother born Ireland,
Year of Immigration to US - 1880, Number of years in US - 20, Naturalization - , Occupation - None,
Attended school in Months - , Can Read - Yes, Can write - Yes, Able to speak English - Yes.
1910 USA Census
State New York, County Queens, Thirteenth Census of the United States : 1910-Population, Supervisors District No 2, Enumeration district no 1146, sheet no 9A. Township or other division of county - x,
Name of Incorporated Place Borough Queens (part of) City New York, Ward of City- Part of 1 1-Assembly (2 Enm dist).
Enumerated by me on the 21st day of April 1910, Samuel Glock.
Address 147 - 4th Street, Queens, NY, USA
Mulcahy Thomas, Head, Male, White, Age last birthday 40, Married M1, Married for 15 years, Born Ireland, Father born Ireland, Mother born Ireland, Year of Immigration to the US - 1890?, Whether naturalised or alien - Na, Able to speak English, Occupation - Watchman, Industry - Contracting Co., Not out of work, Number of weeks out of work during the year - 0, Able to read, Able to write, Attended school any time since 1909 - No,
Ownership of home. Owned or rented _ R, farm or home - H.
Mulcahy Margaret, Wife, Female, White, Age last birthday 45, Married M1, Married for 15 years, Mother of how many children. Number Born - 0, Number now living - 0, Born Ireland, Father born Ireland, Mother born Ireland, Immigration to the US - 1888, Whether naturalised or alien - , Able to speak English, Occupation - None, Able to read, Able to write, Attended school any time since 1909 - No,
State of New York
Department of Health of The City of New York
Bureau of Records
Certificate of Death - Registered No. 428
1 Place of Death, Borough of Queens, No 147-4th St. L. I. City NY
Character of premises whether tenement, private, hotel, hospital or other place etc. - Tenement
2 FULL NAME - Margaret Mulcahy
3 Sex - Female, 4 Color or Race - White, 5 Single, Married, Widowed, or Divorced - Married
6 Date of birth - March 17, 1866.
7 Age - 49 yrs 10 mos 4 days.
8 Occupation - A. Trade, profession, or particular kind of work, - Housewife
B General nature of Industry, Business or establishment in which employed (or Employer) - .
9 Birthplace (State or Country) - Ireland
9 (A) How long in U.S. (if of foreign birth) - 37 Years. 9 (B) How long resident in city of New York - 37 Years.
10 Name of Father - Daniel Corcoran.
11 Birthplace of Father - Ireland.
12 Maiden name of Mother - Elizabeth Cavanagh.
13 Birthplace of Mother - Ireland.
14 Special INFORMATION required in death in hospitals and institutions and in deaths of non-residents and recent residents. Former or usual residence - .
15 Date of Death - Jan 21, 1916.
16 I hereby certify that the foregoing particulars (Nos. 1-14 inclusive) are correct as near as the same can be ascertained, and I further certify that I attended the deceased from Dec 19 1915 to Jan 21 1916, that I last saw her alive on the 21 day of Jan 1916, that the death occurred on the date stated above at 2.30 p.m., and that the chief and determining cause of death was Lobar Pneumonia duration yrs. mos. 2 days. That the contributory causes were - non compensating heart from chronic endocarditis and myocarditis. That autopsy was performed and the findings were:- . Witness my hand this 21 day of Jan 1916. Signature J xxx Smith M.D., Address 44 Ely Ave., L.I. City, NY
17 Place of Burial - Calvary Cemetery. Date of Burial January 24, 1916
18 Undertaker - Edward J ?? Ward, Address - 111 East Ave, L. I. City NY
I hereby certify that I have been employed as undertaker by Thomas Mulcahy the husband of deceased. This statement is made to obtain a permit for burial or cremation of the remains of deceased Margaret Mulcahy. Signature - Edward J ??Ward
Burial 24 Jan 1916, Margaret Mulcahy
2nd Calvary Cemetery, Laurel Hill Blvd, Queens New York
Section - 43, Range 2, E #6.
Grave Owner/Purchaser - Thomas Mulcahy. How many in Grave - 4 burials in Grave.
Calvary Cemetery Queens - Mulcahy Burials - in Adjacent Graves
Burials in Grave no E#5
Frank E Pratt 1913, Amy Pratt 1925 & Mary Mulcahy 1942.
Burials in Grave no E#6
Margaret Corcoran 1916, Thomas Mulcahy 1943, Timothy Doherty 1966 & Mary A Mulcahy 1973 [1, 2, 3, 4]