Notes |
CRISPE Dorothy Jessie, Approx DOB - 1892, Other Surname - Treagust, District - Newport, Reference - N45/E220
CRISPE Arthur Edgar, Approx DOB - 1898, Other Surname - Treagush, District - Newport, Reference - N49/E373
England GRO Births Index
Q 31 mar 1898, Crispe Arthur Edgar, I. Wight, Vol 2b, Page 567
US Primary Inspection Memorandum. - US Department of Labor, Immigration Service
621 Form 569 252026 Transfered.
Front of form
Family name - CRISPE, Port of Niagara Falls N.Y.
Given name - ARTHUR E, Date - April 23, 1923.
Head Tax Status - GT 152602, Age - 24, Sex - M, Single, Occupation - Labourer, Read - Y.
Language or grounds for exemption - Eng, Write - Y, Nationality - Can, Race - Eng
Last permanent residence - Country - Canada, Town - Toronto,
Destination - State - N.Y., Town - N F. (Niagara Falls)
Name and complete address of nearest relative of friend in country whence alien came - Sister Dora Crispe, 555 Parliament Sq, Toronto.
Of what country a citizen before becoming a citizen of Canada - , Ticket - Y,
Passage paid by - Self, Money shown - $100, Ever in US - No. From - , To - ,
Where - , Date last dep. - , Port of last dep. - , To whom going - xxxx xxxxx, 2502 Pint Ave
Whether alien intends to return - Yes,
Length of time alien intends to remain in US - Indef, Intend become U.S.C - No,
Ever in Prison, almshouse etc. - , Polygamist - , Anarchist - ,
Whether a person person who believes in or advocates the overthrow etc. - ,
Whether coming by reason of an offer of employment - ,
Previously deported within one year - , Health - Good, Deformed - ,
Height 5 ft 9in, Complexion - Med, Hair - Bro, Eyes - Bl, Marks of Identification - None,
Place of Birth - England Newport,
Seaport of landing - Quebec, Date of landing - March 25, 1913, Name of SS - Grampian ??,
Travelling by - J J 86
Reverse of form
Class E
Form xx No. - 85 2036
Class - , , 9
Remarks : (SEE Original - virtually illegible Matt Falvey)
Medical Certificate - not filled in but signed.
List or Manifest of Alien Passengers Applying for admission to the United States from Foreign Contiguous Territory - Required by regulations of Secretary of labor of the United States under the Immigration Act
Form 1 Canada - None but Citizens of Canada should be manifested on this sheet
Sheet No. 50
Port of Niagara Falls N.Y. Month of Nov 2, 1923. Class E
1. No on list. - 9.
2. Head Tax Status. (GT 182602
3. Name in Full - Family name - CRISPE ; Given name - ARTHUR E.
4. Age Yrs. - 24
5. Sex - .
6. Married or Single - .
7 Calling or Occupation - LAB
8. Able to -
Read - ,
Read what language( or if exemption claimed on what ground). - .
Write - .
9. Nationality. (Country of which citizen or subject). - CANADA.
10. Race or people. - ENGLISH
11. Last permanent residence - Toronto
12. The name and complete address of nearest relative of friend whence alien came -
Sister Dora, 555 Parliament Sq, Toronto
13. Final destination (Intended future permanent residence) -
- State - N.Y..
- City or Town - Niagara Falls.
14. No on list - 9.
15. Whether having a ticket to such final destination - .
16. By whom was passage paid? (Whether alien paid his own passage, whether paid by relative, whether paid by any other person, or by an corporation, society, municipally or government.) - .
17. Whether in possession of $50, and if less how much? - 100.
18. Whether ever before in the United States; and if so when and where?
Yes or No - .
If Yes- Year or period of years - , Where - .
Date of last departure - .
19. Whether going to join a relative or friend; state name and complete address and if relative, exact relationship - 2502 Pint Ave.
20. Purpose of coming to United States.
- Whether alien intends to returns to country whence he came after engaging temporarily in laboring pursuits in the United States - YES.
- Length of time alien intends to remain in the United States - INDEF
- Whether alien intends to become a citizen of the United States - NO
21. Ever in prison or almshouse or institution for care and treatment of the insane or supported by charity? If so which? - NO
22. Whether a Polygamist. - NO
23. Whether an anarchist. - NO
24 Whether a person who believes in or advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the Government of the United States or all forms of law etc. (See footnote for full text of this question) - NO
26. Whether arrested and deported within one year. - No
27. Condition of health, mental and physical. - Good
28. Deformed or crippled. Nature, length of time and cause. - No
29. Height - Feet - 5 , Inches - 9 ,
30. Complexion. - Med
31. Color of - Hair - Bro , Eyes - Blue.
32. Marks of identification. - NIL
33. Place of birth - Country - England, city or Town - Newport [1, 3]