Notes |
- Superintendent Registrar's District Lismore, Registrar's District Lismore.
Births Registered in the District of Lismore in the Union of Lismore in the County of Waterford.
No. 130
Date and Place of Birth - 1900 Twenty First May, Church Lane, Lismore.
Name if any - Timothy, Sex - M.
Name, Surname and Dwelling Place of Father - Denis Doherty, Church Lane, Lismore.
Name and Surname and Maiden Surname of Mother - Margaret Doherty formerly Cuffe.
Rank or Profession of Father - Labourer.
Signature, Qualification and Residence of Informant - Margaret her x mark Doherty, Mother, Church Lane. Lismore.
When Registered - Twenty Third July 1900, Signature of Registrar - W Noonan.
1901 Census of Ireland
21 Church Lane, Lismore, Co Waterford, Ireland
Dennis Doherty, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Can Read & Write, Age 36, M, General Labourer, Married, born County Waterford, Speaks Irish & English
Maggie Doherty, Wife, Roman Catholic, Can Read, Age 39, F, , Married, Co Waterford.
Thomas Doherty, Son, Roman Catholic, Can Read, Age 14, M, Scholar, Single, born County Waterford.
Dennis Doherty, Son, Roman Catholic, Can Read, Age 8, M, Scholar, Single, born County Waterford.
Timmie Doherty, Son, Roman Catholic, , Age 10 months, M, , Single, born County Waterford.
1911 Census of Ireland
41 Church Lane, Lismore, Co Waterford, Ireland
Denis Doherty, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, Age 46, General Labourer, Married, Co Waterford, Irish & English.
Margaret Doherty, Wife, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, Age 51, Married, Years married 25, total children born alive 5, children still living 5, born Co Waterford.
Denis Doherty, Son, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, Age 17, Labourer, Single, Co Waterford,
Timothy Doherty, Son, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, Age 11, Scholar, Single, Co Waterford.
List Q2
List or manifest of Alien Passengers for the United States Immigration Officer at Port of Arrival
ALL ALIENS arriving at a port of continental United States from a foreign port or a port of the insular possessions of the United States, and all aliens at a port of said insular possessions from a foreign port, a port of continental United States or a port of another insular possession, in whatsoever class they travel, MUST be fully listed and the master or commanding officer of each vessel carrying such passengers must upon arrival deliver lists thereof to the immigration officer.
This (white) sheet is for the listing of STEERAGE PASSENGERS ONLY
S.S. FRANCONIA. Passengers sailing from COBH (QUEENSTOWN), 21st June 1925.
Arriving at Port of NEW YORK, 29 JUN 1925.
1. No on list. - 2 .
2. Head Tax Status. (This Column for use of Goverment officials only.) X
3. Name in Full - Family name - Doherty ; Given name - Timothy.
4. Age Yrs. - 25
5. Sex - M
6. Married or Single - S.
7 Calling or Occupation - Labr .
8. Able to -
Read - Yes ,
Read what language( or if exemption claimed on what ground). - English
Write - Yes .
9. Nationality. (Country of which citizen or subject). - British
10. Race or people. - Irish
11. Last permanent residence.-
- Country - Ireland.
- City or town - Lismore.
12. The name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien came. - Brother, Denis Doherty. Church St. Lismore, Waterford.
13. Final destination (Intended future permanent residence) -
- State - N.Y. .
- city or town - New York.
14. No on list - 2
15. Whether having a ticket to such final destination - Yes
16. By whom was passage paid? (Whether alien paid his own passage, whether paid by relative, whether paid by any other person, or by an corporation, society, municipally or government.) - Self.
17. Whether in possession of $50, and if less how much? - $50
18. Whether ever before in the United States; and if so when and where?
Yes or No - No
If Yes- Year or period of years - , Where.?
19. Whether going to join a relative or friend; and if so, what relative or friend, and his name and complete address - Friend. Michael Mc Fenton, 330 Ave. "A" New York, NY.
20. Purpose of coming to United States.
- Whether alien intends to returns to country whence he came after engaging temporarily in laboring pursuits in the United States - NO
- Length of time alien intends to remain in the United States - PERMT
- Whether alien intends to become a citizen of the United States - YES
21. Ever in prison or almshouse or institution for care and treatment of the insane or supported by charity? If so which? - NO
22. Whether a Polygamist. - NO
23. Whether an anarchist. - NO
24. Whether a person who believes in or advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the Government of the United States or all forms of law etc. (See footnote for full text of this question) - NO
25. Whether coming by reason of an offer, solicitation, promise or agreement expressed or implied to labor in the United States. - NO
26 . Whether alien had previously been deported within one year. - NO
27. Condition of health, mental and physical. - GOOD
28. Deformed or crippled. Nature, length of time and cause. - NO
29. Height - Feet - 5 , Inches - 9 ,
30. Complexion. - FRESH
31. Color of - Hair - BROWN , Eyes - BROWN.
32. Marks of identification. - NIL
33. Place of birth - Country - IRELAND , City or town - LISMORE .
34. IMMIGRATION VISA - Date -May 25/25, Place of Issuance - Cobh, Number - 1282
Total passengers......20....
U.S. citizens...................
Form 160
US Department of Labor
Bureau of Naturalization Service No 2 110528
Certificate of Arrival
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the immigration records show that the alien named below arrived at the port on the date. And in the manner shown, and was lawfully admitted to the United States of America for permanent Residence.
Port of entry ; New York, N.Y.
Name ; Timothy Doherty
Date ; June 29, 1925
Manner of arrival ; SS Franconia
I FURTHER CERTIFY that this certificate of arrival is issued under authority of, and in conformity with, the provisions of the Act of June 29, 1906, as amended, solely for the use of the alien herein named and only for naturalization purposes.
IN WITNESS WHEROF, this Certificate of Arrival is issued Jan. 7, 1931, BY DIRECTION OF THE SECRETARY OF LABOR Raymond F Crist Commissioner of Naturalization.
Form 160. Received Jan xx, xxxx. Naturalization Service, New York N.Y. (Stamp)
Form 2202-I
US Department of Labor
Naturalization Service
No. 31724/W84046/156116
Unites States of America
Declaration of Intention
Invalid for all purposes seven years after the date hereof
State of New York County of Queens ss: In the Supreme Court of the Queens County
I Timothy Doherty, aged 26 years, Occupation - Labourer, do declare on oath that my personal description is: _Color: White; Complexion Light; Height 5 feet 9 inches ; Weight 160 pounds; Color of hair Brown; Color of eyes Brown; other visible distinctive marks None.
I was born in Lismore Ireland, on the 31st day of May, anno Domini 1900, I now reside at 45 Jackson Ave., L.I. City, N.Y.
I emigrated to the United States of American from Queenstown on the vessel, Franconia June 21, 1925; my last foreign residence was said Lismore Ireland. I am married. The name of my wife is Mary ; she was born at Ireland and now resides at with me.
It is my bona fide intention to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, _potentate, state, or sovereignty, and particularly to George V, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the sea, Emperor of India, of which I am now a subject.
I arrived at the port of New York, in the State of New York, on or about the 29th day of June, anno Domini 1925; I am not an anarchist; I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of polygamy; and it is _my intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States of America and to permanently reside therein; SO HELP ME GOD.
Timothy Doherty
Subscribed and sworn to before me in the office of the Clerk of said Court at New York City, N.Y. this 1st day of Feb, anno Domini 1927 Edward W Cox, Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States, by Wm B Robertson Deputy Clerk
Index Naturalization Petitions of the US District Court for Eastern District of NY
No 3426917
Name - Doherty Timothy
Residing at - 104 India St., Brooklyn.
Age - 31. Date of order of Admisssion - September 8, 1931.
Date Certificate issued - September 8, 1931 at the
U.S. District Court at Brooklyn, New York.
Pettition No 156116
Timothy Doherty (Signature)
Eastern District Court of New York
Name - Doherty Timothy, Year - 1931, Petition Volume - 510, Petition Number - 156116
Form 680 B, U.S. Department of Labor, Immigration Service. 9
Record on this blank United States citizens and citizens of insular possessions of the United States arriving at a port on continental United States from a foreign port or a port of the insular possessions of the Unites States and such citizens arriving at a port of said insular possessions from a foreign port, a port of continental United States, or a port of another insular possession.
(For the Immigration authorities)
Number 9, 188
M.V. BRITANNIC sailing from COBH (QUEENSTOWN), September 8th 1935, Arriving at Port of NEW YORK, Sept 15, 1935
No on List - 16
Name in Full - Family Name - Doherty, Given Name - Timothy,
Age - Yrs - 35, Mos - ,
Sex - M,
Married or Single - M
If native of United States insular possession or if native of United States, give date and place of birth (City of Town and State) -
If Naturalised, give name and location of Court which issued naturalisation papers, and date of papers - Superior Court, Brooklyn, N.Y., September 30, 1930.
Address in United States - 179 Oakland Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.
No on List - 17
Name in Full - Family Name - Doherty, Given Name - Mary,
Age - Yrs - 33, Mos - ,
Sex - F,
Married or Single - M
If native of United States insular possession or if native of United States, give date and place of birth (City of Town and State) -
If Naturalised, give name and location of Court which issued naturalisation papers, and date of papers - Superior Court, Brooklyn, N.Y., October , 1932.
Address in United States - 179 Oakland Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.
No on List - 18
Name in Full - Family Name - Doherty, Given Name - Mary G,
Age - Yrs - 8, Mos - ,
Sex - F,
Married or Single - S
If native of United States insular possession or if native of United States, give date and place of birth (City of Town and State) - New York, July 26, 1927.
If Naturalised, give name and location of Court which issued naturalisation papers, and date of papers - .
Address in United States - 179 Oakland Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.
No on List - 19
Name in Full - Family Name - Doherty, Given Name - Lillian M,
Age - Yrs - 4, Mos - ,
Sex - F,
Married or Single - S
If native of United States insular possession or if native of United States, give date and place of birth (City of Town and State) - New York, October 20, 1930.
If Naturalised, give name and location of Court which issued naturalisation papers, and date of papers - .
Address in United States - 179 Oakland Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.
No on List - 20
Name in Full - Family Name - Doherty, Given Name - Margaret P,
Age - Yrs - , Mos - 5 ,
Sex - F,
Married or Single - S
If native of United States insular possession or if native of United States, give date and place of birth (City of Town and State) - Brooklyn. New York, March 21, 1935.
If Naturalised, give name and location of Court which issued naturalisation papers, and date of papers - .
Address in United States - 179 Oakland Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.
No on List - 22
Name in Full - Family Name - Doherty, Given Name - Denis,
Age - Yrs - 42, Mos - ,
Sex - M,
Married or Single - S
If native of United States insular possession or if native of United States, give date and place of birth (City of Town and State) -
If Naturalised, give name and location of Court which issued naturalisation papers, and date of papers - District Court, Brooklyn, N.Y., 19th December 1933.
Address in United States - 179 Oakland Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.
1940 US Census.
Department of Commerce - Bureau of Census
State - New York, Incorporated place - Brooklyn, Ward of City - 15AD,
Uninicorporated place - , County - Kings, Township or other division
of county - , Block Nos - D, Institution - ,
Sixteenth Census of the United States: 1940 Population Schedule, Supervisor's District No 3, Enumeration District No 24-1605, Sheet 6-A. Enumerated by me on April 5, 1940, Mary Frances Dufaer, Enumerator.
Address, 179 Oakland Street, Brooklyn, Kings, New York, New York USA.
Household Data - Number of Household in order of visitation - 143, House owned (0) or rented (R) - R, Value of Household if owned or monthly rental if rented - 18.00
Enter * after name of person furnishing information.
Doherty Timothy, Head, Male, White, Age last birthday - 39, Married, Attended school or college anytime since March 1 1940 - No, Highest grade of school completed - 8, CODE (Leave blank) - 8, POB - Eire, CODE (Leave blank) - 04, Citizenship - Na, Residence - In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935 - Same House, CODE (Leave blank) , Person 14 years and over - Employment Status - 21 Was this person AT WORK for pay or profit in private or non emergency Govt. work during week of March 24-30 (Yes or No) - Yes, 22 If not, was he at work on, or assigned to, public EMERGENCY WORK, (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30? (Yes of No) - , If neither at work nor assigned to public emergency work. ("No: in Cols. 21 ans 22) 23 Was this person SEEKING WORK? (Yes or No) - , 24 If not seeking work did he HAVE A JOB, business, etc.? (Yes or No)? - , 25 For persons answering "No" to quest. 21, 22, 23, and 24 Indicate whether engaged in home housework (H), in school (S), unable to work (U), or other (O) - , CODE - I, If at private or non emergency Government work. ("Yes" in Col. 21) Number of hours worked during week of March 24-30, 1940 - 40,
Occupation - Laborer, Industry - Public Utility Co, Class of Worker - PW, Number of weeks worked in 1939 (Equivalent in full time weeks) - 52, Amount of money wages or salary received (including commissions) - 1700.00, Did this person receive income of $350 or more from sources other than money wages or salary ? (Yes or No) - Yes.
Doherty Mary *, wife, Female, White, Age last birthday - 39, Married, Attended school or college anytime since March 1 1940 - No, Highest grade of school completed - 8, CODE (Leave blank) - 8, POB - Eire, CODE (Leave blank) - 04, Citizenship - NA, Residence - In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935 - Same House, CODE (Leave blank) XOXO, Person 14 years and over - Employment Status - 21 Was this person AT WORK for pay or profit in private or non emergency Govt. work during week of March 24-30 (Yes or No) - No, 22 If not, was he at work on, or assigned to, public EMERGENCY WORK, (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30? (Yes of No) - No, If neither at work nor assigned to public emergency work. ("No: in Cols. 21 ans 22) 23 Was this person SEEKING WORK? (Yes or No) - NO, 24 If not seeking work did he HAVE A JOB, business, etc.? (Yes or No)? - NO, 25 For persons answering "No" to quest. 21, 22, 23, and 24 Indicate whether engaged in home housework (H), in school (S), unable to work (U), or other (O) - H, CODE - 5, If at private or non emergency Government work. ("Yes" in Col. 21) Number of hours worked during week of March 24-30, 1940 - , If Seeking work or assigned to public emergency work (Yes in Col. 22 or 23) Duration of unemployment up to March 30, 1940 - in weeks - .
Occupation - , Class of Worker - , Number of weeks worked in 1939 (Equivalent in full time weeks) - 0, Amount of money wages or salary received (including commissions) - 0, Did this person receive income of $350 or more from sources other than money wages or salary ? (Yes or No) - No.
Doherty Mary, Daughter, Female, White, Age last birthday - 12, Single, Attended school or college anytime since March 1 1940 - Yes, Highest grade of school completed - 6, CODE (Leave blank) - 6, POB - New York, CODE (Leave blank) - 56, Residence - In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935 - Same House,
Doherty Lillian, Daughter, Female, White, Age last birthday - 9, Single, Attended school or college anytime since March 1 1940 - Yes, Highest grade of school completed - 3, CODE (Leave blank) - 3, POB - New York, CODE (Leave blank) - 56, Residence - In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935 - Same House,
Doherty Margaret, Daughter, Female, White, Age last birthday - 5, Single, Attended school or college anytime since March 1 1940 - Nos, Highest grade of school completed - , CODE (Leave blank) - , POB - New York, CODE (Leave blank) - 56, Residence - In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935 - Same House,
Doherty Jean, Daughter, Female, White, Age last birthday - 2, Single, Attended school or college anytime since March 1 1940 - Nos, Highest grade of school completed - , CODE (Leave blank) - , POB - New York, CODE (Leave blank) - 56, Residence - In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935 - Same House,
Holiday/Vacation to Cork Ireland return to New York USA 17 Sep 1954.
From I-416 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, United States Customs Service
Form approved Budget Bureau No. 43-R061.1
LIST OF IN-BOUND PASSENGERS (United States Citizens and Nationals)
Class - ONE, from COBH (Port of embarkation) SEPTEMBER 9, 1954
On M.V. GEORGIC arriving at port of NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 17, 1954.
Line No. 16.
1. Family name - Given Name - DOHERT Timothy, 59-37, 69th Place, Maspeth, Long Island, N.Y. Age - Sex - ,
2. Married or Single - ,
3. US Passport No. / Place of Birth - 347734, Ireland
4. Number and Description of pieces of baggage - 1
5. This Column for use of Master Surgeon and U.S. Officers - .
U.S. Cs: 25, Aliens : - Nil. Harold Raud 8.30am, U.S. Immigrant Inspection
Gravestone inscription:
our beloved
1866 Thomas 1943
Timothy J Doherty
1900- 1966
Mary A Doherty
1902 - 1973
Rest in Peace
Natale 43-2-E-6
Calvary Cemetery Queens New York
Section - 43, Range 2, E #6.
Calvary Cemetery Queens - Mulcahy Burials - in Adjacent Graves
Burials in Grave no E#5
Frank E Pratt 1913, Amy Pratt 1925 & Mary Mulcahy 1942.
Burials in Grave no E#6
Margaret Corcoran 1916, Thomas Mulcahy 1943, Timothy Doherty 1966 & Mary A Mulcahy 1973
Social Security Death Index
Name - Timothy Doherty
Birth - 31 May 1900
Death - Jul 1966
Last Residence - 11378 (Maspeth, Queens, NY) (Flushing, Queens)
Last Benefit - (None Specified)
SSN _ 065-07-8378
Issued - New York [2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14]