Notes |
- Superintendent Registrar's District of Cork, Registrar's District of Dripsey.
1868 Births Registered in the District of Dripsey in the Union of Cork in the County of Cork.
No. 158
Date and Place of Birth - First October 1868, Kilclugh, Inniscarra.
Name if any - Mary, Sex - F.
Name, Surname and Dwelling Place of Father - Denis Scully, Kilclugh.
Name and Surname and Maiden Surname of Mother - Catherine Scully formerly Buttimer.
Rank or Profession of Father - Labourer.
Signature, Qualification and Residence of Informant - x the mark of Denis Scully, Father, Kilclugh.
When Registered - Ninth October 1868, Signature of Registrar - Robert Connor Mavry? Registrar.
IGI Individual Records
Name - Mary Scully
Birth - 01 Oct 1868, Dripsey, Cork, Ireland
Father - Denis Scully
Mother - Catherine Buttimer
Batch No. C011999, Type - Film
Ireland GRO Birth Index
Scully Mary, 1868, Cork, Vol 20, Page 183,
1886 Marriage solemised at the Roman Catholic Chapel of Whitechurch in the Registrar's District of Whitechurch in the union of Cork in the County of Cork.
Marriage No. 197, Registered by me this 5th day of Nov 1886, NYX? Registrar
No 197
When Married - October 31st '86.
Name and surname- Patrick Mulcahy, Age - Full age, Condition - Bachelor, Rank or Profession - Labourer, Residence at the Time of Marriage - Monard, Father's Name and Surname - John Mulcahy, Rank or profession of Father - Labourer.
Name and surname - Mary Scully, Age - Full age, Condition - Spinster, Rank or Profession - Servant, Residence at Time of Marriage - Monard, Father's Name and Surname - Denis Scully, Rank or Profession of Father - Labourer.
Married in the Roman Catholic Chapel of Whitechurch according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church by me - Joseph Noonan CC
This Marriage was solemnized between us, Patrick Mulcahy & Mary Scully. In the presence of us, Batt Kelly & Maggie McCarthy.
Ireland GRO Marriage Index
Scully Mary, Q 31 Dec 1886, Cork, Vol 5, Page 115
1901 Census of Ireland taken 31 Mar 1901
Townland: York St. Blackpool, Cork City, Ireland. NOTE: York St is now known as Thomas Davis St.
Jeremiah Mulcahy, Head of family, RC, R&W, Age 31, Male, Railway Porter, Married,
Kate Mulcahy, Wife, RC, R&W, Age 29, Female, Married
Mary Mulcahy, Sister in Law, RC, R&W, Age 31, Female, Married.
Patrick Mulcahy, Husband of Sister in Law, RC, R&W, Age 39, Male, Railway Porter, Married.
1911 Census of Ireland - Killeendaniel, Co. Cork.
Patrick Mulcahy, Head, RC, R & W, Age - 53, Occupation - Farm Servant, Married, Born - Co Cork
Mary Mulcahy, Wife, RC, R & W, Age - 46, Occupation - , Married, Married - 24 years , Total children born alive - 1, still alive 1, Born - Co Cork.
Mary Mulcahy, Daughter, RC, R & W, Age - 8, Occupation - Scholar, Single, Born - City Cork.
Form B.1. - House and Building Return
County - Cork, Parliamentary Division - Borough of Cork, Poor Law Union - Cork, District Electoral Division - Rathcooney, Townland - Killendaniel, Barony - Cork, Parish - Kilcully.
No. of house or building - 7,
Whether built or building - Built.
State whether Private dwelling, Public Building, School, shop, Manufactory, Hotel, Public House, Lodging - Private dwelling.
Number of out Offices And farm standings - 4.
Is house habitable - Yes.
Walls if made of brick -1, Wood - 0, = 1.
Roof Slate iron tiles - 1, Thatchwood - 0, = 1.
Rooms 1=1,2,3,4, 2 = 5,6, 3 = 7,8,9, 4 = 10,11,12, 5 = 13, more = 6, Answer = 3.
Windows in front, No. in front of house = 5.
Total figures - 10.
Class of house. 1,2=4th, 3,4,5,=3rd, 6,7,8,9,10,11=2nd, 13 up - 1st, Answer = 2nd.
No. of distinct families in each house - 1.
Name of the Head Of each Family in the house - Patrick Mulcahy.
No. of rooms occupied by each family - 5.
Total No. of persons in each family - 3.
Date on which form A was collected - 14th or 16th April.
No of sick in family on 2nd April 1911 - .
Name of the landholder On whom holding the house is situated - Thomas Linnehan.
No. on form N1 - 3
List 12 S/C 1057
List or manifest of Alien Passengers for the United States Immigration Officer at Port of Arrival
ALL ALIENS arriving at a port of continental United States from a foreign port or a port of the insular possessions of the United States, and all aliens at a port of said insular possessions from a foreign port, a port of continental United States or a port of another insular possession, in whatsoever class they travel, MUST be fully listed and the master or commanding officer of each vessel carrying such passengers must upon arrival deliver lists thereof to the immigration officer.
This (white) sheet is for the listing of STEERAGE PASSENGERS ONLY
S.S. REPUBLIC. Passengers sailing from COBH (QUEENSTOWN), 21st JUNE 1926.
Arriving at Port of NEW YORK N.Y., JUNE 30, 1926.
1. No on list. - 7.
2. Head Tax Status. (This Column for use of Goverment officials only.) -
3. Name in Full - Family name - MULCAHY ; Given name - MARY.
4. Age Yrs. - 57
5. Sex - F
6. Married or Single - W.
7 Calling or Occupation - Nurse.
8. Able to -
Read - Yes ,
Read what language( or if exemption claimed on what ground). - English 3/1603
Write - Yes .
9. Nationality. (Country of which citizen or subject). - I.F.S.
10. Race or people. - Irish
11. Last Permanent Residence.-
- Country - Ireland.
- City or town - Lismore.
12. The name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien came. -
Daughter. Miss Mary Mulcahy, The Deanery, Lismore, Waterford.
13. Final destination (Intended future permanent residence) -
- State - NY .
- City or Town - Long Island.
14. No on list - 7
15. Whether having a ticket to such final destination - Yes
16. By whom was passage paid? (Whether alien paid his own passage, whether paid by relative, whether paid by any other person, or by an corporation, society, municipally or government.) - Friend.
17. Whether in possession of $50, and if less how much? - OVER
18. Whether ever before in the United States; and if so when and where?
Yes or No - No
If Yes- Year or period of years - , Where.?
19. Whether going to join a relative or friend; and if so, what relative or friend, and his name and complete address - Friend, Mr Thomas Mulcahy, 45 Jackson Ave. Long Island, New York
20. Purpose of coming to United States.
- Whether alien intends to returns to country whence he came after engaging temporarily in laboring pursuits in the United States - NO
- Length of time alien intends to remain in the United States - Permanent
- Whether alien intends to become a citizen of the United States - YES
21. Ever in prison or almshouse or institution for care and treatment of the insane or supported by charity? If so which? - NO
22. Whether a Polygamist. - NO
23. Whether an anarchist. - NO
24. Whether a person who believes in or advocates the overthrow by force or violence of the Government of the United States or all forms of law etc. (See footnote for full text of this question) - NO
Hand written across Mary's manifest between Q 19 & 20 is LdC (?) and between Q 25 & 31 "NEWE MARRIAGE"
25. Whether coming by reason of an offer, solicitation, promise or agreement expressed or implied to labor in the United States. - NO
26 . Whether alien had previously been deported within one year. - NO
27. Condition of health, mental and physical. - Good.
28. Deformed or crippled. Nature, length of time and cause. - NO
29. Height - Feet - 5 , Inches - 9? ,
30. Complexion. - Fresh,
31. Color of - Hair - Dark, Eyes - Grey.
32. Marks of identification. -None
33. Place of Birth -
Country - Ireland
City or Town - Cork
Immigration Visa -
34. Date - 1.6.26?
35. Issued at - Cobh
36. Date - 9887
Hand written across Mary's manifest between Q 19 & 20 is LdC (?) and between Q 25 & 31 "NEWE MARRIAGE"
Total passengers............
U.S. citizens...................
Certificate of Marriage that Thomas Mulcahy and Mary Scully were Lawfully Married on the 5 day of July 1926 According to the Rite of the Roman Catholic Church and in conformity with the laws of the State of New York.
Rev. John Reynolds officiating, in the presence of Philip Donohue and Mary Donohue - Witnesses, as appears from the Marriage Register of this Church dated 23 July 2007....
Marriage Certificates - 3 Forms
Form 1
No Relation (Hand written diagonally top LHS corner.)
NO 2984
Affidavit for License to Marry
County of Queens, City of New York. Date of Marriage - , Church - . Location - , Clergyman - .
Thomas Mulcahy GROOM and Mary Mulcahy BRIDE
applicants for a license for marriage, being severally sworn, depose and say, that to the best of their
knowledge and belief the following statement respectively signed by them is true, and that no legal
impediment exists as to the right of the applicants to enter into the marriage state.
Full Name - Thomas Mulcahy
Color - White
Place of residence - 45 Jackson E L I City
Age - 57
Occupation - Janitor
Place of birth - Ireland
Name of father - Matthew
Country of birth - Ireland
Maiden name of mother - Mary Lyons
Country of birth - Ireland
Number of marriage - 3
I have not to my knowledge been infected with any venereal
disease, or if I have been so infected within five years I
have had a laboratory test within that period which shows
that I am now free from infection from any such disease.
Former wife or wives living or dead - Dead
Is applicant a divorced person - No
If so, when and where, and against whom divorce
of divorces were granted - .
I declare that no legal impediment exists as to my right
to enter into the marriage state - No.
Signed - Thos Mulcahy. - GROOM
Full Name - Mary Mulcahy
Color - White
Place of residence - 45 Jackson E L I City
Age - 57
Occupation - at Home
Place of birth - Ireland
Name of father - Denis Scully
Country of birth - Ireland
Maiden name of mother - Kate Buttermilh [sic]
Country of birth - Ireland
Number of marriage - 2
I have not to my knowledge been infected with any venereal
disease, or if I have been so infected within five years I
have had a laboratory test within that period which shows
that I am now free from infection from any such disease.
Former Husband or husbands living or dead - Dead
Is applicant a divorced person - No
If so, when and where, and against whom divorce
of divorces were granted - .
I declare that no legal impediment exists as to my right
to enter into the marriage state - No.
Signed - Mary Mulcahy. - BRIDE
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
2 day of July 1926 - xxxxxxxxx Clerk
?Future Address
(enter here EXACT FUTURE ADDRESS after marriage if known - .
? NOTICE TO TOWN OR CITY CLERK. Please have marriage license and certificate fastened SECURELY to
affidavit for license and consent, and file with the county clerk on or before the fifteenth of each month.
Form 2
the reverse side should be filled out and filed promptly by the Clergyman or Magistrate as required by law, with
the Town or City Clerk who issued the License. See that your marriage is thus recorded.
County of Queens, City of New York.
NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Division of Vital Statistics.
MARRIAGE LICENSE - Registered No. 2984.
Know all Men by this Certificate, that any person authorized by law to perform marriage cere-
monies with the State of New York to whom this may come, he, not knowing any lawful impediment thereto,
is hereby authorized and empowered to solemnize the rites of matrimony between
Thomas Mulcahy of L I City in the county of Queens and the State of New York, and
Mary Mulcahy of L I City in the county of Queens and the State of New York and to certify the same to be said
parties or wither of them under this hand and seal in his ministerial or official capacity and thereupon he is
required to return his certificate in the form hereto annexed. The statement endorsed hereon or annexed
hereto, by me subscribed contain a full and true abstract of all the facts concerning such parties disclosed
by their affidavits or verified statements presented to me upon the application for this license.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of said City at Borough Hall
Queens county this 2 day of July nineteen
hundred and 26 M xxxxx Clerk.
The following is a full and true abstract of all the facts disclosed by the above-named applicants in their verified
statements presented to me upon their applications for the above license:
Full Name - Thomas Mulcahy
Color - White
Place of residence - 45 Jackson E L I City
Age - 57
Occupation - Janitor
Place of birth - Ireland
Name of father - Matthew
Country of birth - Ireland
Maiden name of mother - Mary Lyons
Country of birth - Ireland
Number of marriage - 3
I have not to my knowledge been infected with any venereal
disease, or if I have been so infected within five years I
have had a laboratory test within that period which shows
that I am now free from infection from any such disease.
Former wife or wives living or dead - Dead
Is applicant a divorced person - No
If so, when and where, and against whom divorce
of divorces were granted - .
I declare that no legal impediment exists as to my right
to enter into the marriage state - No.
Full Name - Mary Mulcahy
Color - White
Place of residence - 45 Jackson E L I City
Age - 57
Occupation - at Home
Place of birth - Ireland
Name of father - Denis Scully
Country of birth - Ireland
Maiden name of mother - Kate Buttermilh [sic]
Country of birth - Ireland
Number of marriage - 2
I have not to my knowledge been infected with any venereal
disease, or if I have been so infected within five years I
have had a laboratory test within that period which shows
that I am now free from infection from any such disease.
Former Husband or husbands living or dead - Dead
Is applicant a divorced person - No
If so, when and where, and against whom divorce
of divorces were granted - .
I declare that no legal impediment exists as to my right
to enter into the marriage state - No.
? Future Address (enter here EXACT FUTURE ADDRESS after marriage if known - .
Form 3
The written consents of the Parents, Guardians or Persons under whose care and government the Minor
or Minors may be has been filed on the Town or City Clerk's office in ....................................................
as provided by Section 15, article 3 of Domestic Relations Law.
The license and certificate duly signed by the person who shall have solemnized the marriage therein
authorized shall be returned by him to the office of the town or city clerk who issued the same on or before
the tenth day of the month next succeeding the date of the solemnizing of the marriage therein authorized
and any person or persons who shall wilfully neglect to make such return within the time above required shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of net less than
twenty-five dollars or more than fifty dollars for each and every offense,
Nonresidents of the State are required to have marriage ceremony performed in the city or town where
the license is issued.
I, John Reynolds a Catholic Priest
residing at L. I. C. city of New York in county of Queens
and State of New York, do hereby certify that I did on this 5th day of July in the year
A. D. 1926 at L. I. C. in the county of Queens and State
of New York, solemnize the rites of matrimony between Thomas Mulcahy
of L. I. C. in the county of Queens
and State of New York and Mary Scully
of L. I. C. in the county of Queens and State of New York
in the presence of Philip Donohue and Mary Donohue
as witness and the license therefor is hereto annexed.
Witness my hand at L. I. C. in the county Queens
this 5th day of July A. D. 1926
John Reynolds (Signature of Person Performing Ceremony), 118 Fifth St., L. I. C.
In the presence of Philip Donohue (Signature of Witness), Residence Jersey City.
Mary Donohue (Signature of Witness), Residence Jersey City.
1940 US Census.
Department of Commerce - Bureau of Census
State - New York, Incorporated place - New York City, Ward of City - 1,
Uninicorporated place - , County - Queens, Township or other division
of county - , Block Nos - D-E, Institution - ,
Sixteenth Census of the United States: 1940 Population Schedule, Supervisor's District No 46, Enumeration District No 11-164, Sheet 5-B. Enumerated by me on April 5, 1940, Angelo Equale, Enumerator.
Address, 1070 Jackson Ave, Queens, New York, New York USA.
Household Data - Number of Household in order of visitation - 88, House owned (0) or rented (R) - R, Value of Household if owned or monthly rental if rented - 22.00
Enter * after name of person furnishing information.
Mulcahy Thomas, Head, Male, White, Age last birthday - 70, Married, Attended school or college anytime since March 1 1940 - No, Highest grade of school completed - 4, CODE (Leave blank) - 4, POB - Eire, CODE (Leave blank) - 04, Citizenship - Na, Residence - In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935 - Same House, CODE (Leave blank) , Person 14 years and over - Employment Status - 21 Was this person AT WORK for pay or profit in private or non emergency Govt. work during week of March 24-30 (Yes or No) - Yes, 22 If not, was he at work on, or assigned to, public EMERGENCY WORK, (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30? (Yes of No) - , If neither at work nor assigned to public emergency work. ("No: in Cols. 21 ans 22) 23 Was this person SEEKING WORK? (Yes or No) - , 24 If not seeking work did he HAVE A JOB, business, etc.? (Yes or No)? - , 25 For persons answering "No" to quest. 21, 22, 23, and 24 Indicate whether engaged in home housework (H), in school (S), unable to work (U), or other (O) - , CODE - I, If at private or non emergency Government work. ("Yes" in Col. 21) Number of hours worked during week of March 24-30, 1940 - 20,
Occupation - Porter, Industry - Bank, Class of Worker - PW, Number of weeks worked in 1939 (Equivalent in full time weeks) - 52, Amount of money wages or salary received (including commissions) - 580, Did this person receive income of $350 or more from sources other than money wages or salary ? (Yes or No) - No.
Mulcahy Mary *, wife, Female, White, Age last birthday - 72, Married, Attended school or college anytime since March 1 1940 - No, Highest grade of school completed - 5, CODE (Leave blank) - 5, POB - Eire, CODE (Leave blank) - 04, Citizenship - NA, Residence - In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935 - Same House, CODE (Leave blank) XOXO, Person 14 years and over - Employment Status - 21 Was this person AT WORK for pay or profit in private or non emergency Govt. work during week of March 24-30 (Yes or No) - No, 22 If not, was he at work on, or assigned to, public EMERGENCY WORK, (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30? (Yes of No) - No, If neither at work nor assigned to public emergency work. ("No: in Cols. 21 ans 22) 23 Was this person SEEKING WORK? (Yes or No) - NO, 24 If not seeking work did he HAVE A JOB, business, etc.? (Yes or No)? - NO, 25 For persons answering "No" to quest. 21, 22, 23, and 24 Indicate whether engaged in home housework (H), in school (S), unable to work (U), or other (O) - H, CODE - 5, If at private or non emergency Government work. ("Yes" in Col. 21) Number of hours worked during week of March 24-30, 1940 - , If Seeking work or assigned to public emergency work (Yes in Col. 22 or 23) Duration of unemployment up to March 30, 1940 - in weeks - .
Occupation - , Class of Worker - , Number of weeks worked in 1939 (Equivalent in full time weeks) - 0, Amount of money wages or salary received (including commissions) - 0, Did this person receive income of $350 or more from sources other than money wages or salary ? (Yes or No) - No.
Bureau of Records
Department of Health
Borough of Queens
Certificate of Death - Certificate No. 754
1 Name of Deceased - MARY MULCAHY, Soc Sec No - None
Personal Particulars
2 Usual Residence - (a) State - New York, (b) Co - Queens, (c) Town or Village - Long I. City, (d) No. 10-70 Jackson Avenue, (e) Length of residence or stay in City of New York immediately prior to death - 18 Years.
3 Single Married Widowed or Divorced - Married.
4 Wife Husband of Thomas Mulcahy
5 Date of birth of decedent - January 15th 1882.
6 Age - 60 yrs 0 mos 8 days.
7 Occupation - A. Trade, profession, or particular kind of work, as spinner, sawyer, bookkeeper etc. - Housewife
B Industry of business in which work was done as silk mill, sawmill, bank etc. - Own Home.
8 Birthplace of Decedent - (state or county) Ireland.
9 How long in U.S. (if of foreign birth) - 18 Years.
10 If deceased was Veteran? name war - .
Parents of Deceased
11 Name of Father of decedent - Dennis Scully
12 Birthplace of Father - Ireland.
13 Maiden name of mother of decedent - Catherine Buttimer.
14 Birthplace of mother - Ireland
15 Signature of Informant - Thomas Mulcahy, Relationship to Deceased - Husband, Address - 10-70 Jackson Avenue. L.I. City.
Medical Certificate of Death (To be filed in by the Physician)
16 Place of Death - (a) New York City, (b) Borough - Queens, (c) Name of Hospital or Institution - 10-70 Jackson Avenue, (d) Length of stay at place of death immediately prior to death - About 15 years.
17 Date and hour of death - January 19th, 1942, 8.00AM.
18 Sex - Female, 19 Color or Race - White, 20 Approximate age - 60.
21 I hereby certify that I attended the deceased from January 19th 1942 to January 23rd 1942, that I last saw her alive on January 23rd 1942 and that the facts stated in items 16-20 are correct.
Statement of cause of death is based on (Clinical findings)
Principal cause of death - Lobar Pneumonia (Left lower Lobe), Date of onset - 1-18-42.
Contributory causes and other indications -.
Autopsy: Date of - None, Operation: Date of - None.
Condition for which performed - None.
Signed - Joseph A D Leo M.D.
Address - 10-11, 49th Ave, 1/23/42.
22 Place of Burial - Calvary Cemetery, Date of Burial - January 26th 1942,,
Funeral Director - Conway Funeral Home, Address - 82-19 Northern Blvd, Permit Number - 3512
Bureau of Records Department of Health City of New York
Signed By George M Conway.
Burial 26 Jan 1942, Mary Mulcahy
2nd Calvary Cemetery, Laurel Hill Blvd, Queens New York
Section - 43, Range 2, E #5.
Grave Owner/Purchaser - Amy Pratt. How many in Grave - 3 burials in Grave.
Burial 13 Nov 1925, Amy Mulcahy
2nd Calvary Cemetery, Laurel Hill Blvd, Queens New York
Section - 43, Range 2, E #5.
Grave Owner/Purchaser - Amy Pratt. How many in Grave - 3 burials in Grave.
Gravestone Inscription:
Erected by
in memory of
my beloved husband
died May 28, 1913
Age 43 years
Rest in Peace
Calvary Cemetery Queens - Mulcahy Burials - in Adjacent Graves
Burials in Grave no E#5
Frank E Pratt 1913, Amy Pratt 1925 & Mary Mulcahy 1942.
Burials in Grave no E#6
Margaret Corcoran 1916, Thomas Mulcahy 1943, Timothy Doherty 1966 & Mary A Mulcahy 1973 [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]