Dorothy Jessie CRISPE

Female 1892 - 1973  (81 years)

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  • Name Dorothy Jessie CRISPE  [1
    Birth 1 Apr 1892  Newport, Isle Of Wight, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Gender Female 
    Census 31 Mar 1901  15 Hunny Hill, Newport, Isle Of Wight, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Residence 19 Jun 1910  39 Hunnyhill, Newport, Isle Of Wight, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Emigration Sep 1921  SS Corsican, Quebec, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Emigration 19 Jul 1923  SS Chippewa, Lewiston, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Residence 19 Jul 1923  330 Mutual St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Census 1 Apr 1930  154 West 106th St., Manhattan, New York, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Residence 25 Oct 1938  634 West 135th St., New York, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Census 1 Apr 1940  70-44 Broadway, Woodside, Queens, New York, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    EYES Brown 
    HAIR Brown  [2
    HEIG 5' 5'  [2
    Occupation General Domestic Servant 1910, Waitress Restaurant 1923 & 1930, 1940,  [1, 2, 4, 6
    _UID F5A2C63440EF4F6F808C283DF0065EA4E7AF 
    Death Jul 1973  Flushing, Queens, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
      CRISPE Dorothy Jessie, Approx DOB - 1892, Other Surname - Treagust, District - Newport, Reference - N45/E220
      CRISPE Arthur Edgar, Approx DOB - 1898, Other Surname - Treagush, District - Newport, Reference - N49/E373

      [England GRO Birth Index
      Q 30 Jun 1892, Crispe Dorothy Jessie, Isle of Wight, Vol 2b, Page 593]

      US Primary Inspection Memorandum. - US Department of Labor, Immigration Service
      3621 351-255 Lewiston N.Y.
      Front of form
      Family name - CRISPE, Port of Lewiston N.Y.
      Given name - DOROTHY V, Date - July 19, 1923.
      Head Tax Status - 7434, Age - 30, Sex - F, Widow, Occupation - Waitress, Read - Y.
      Language or grounds for exemption - English, Write - Y, Nationality 0 English, Race - English
      Last permanent residence - 330 Mutual St, Country - Canada, Town - Toronto,
      Destination - N.Y., Town - Niagara Falls.
      Name and complete address of nearest relative of friend in country whence alien came - no relatives.
      Of what country a citizen before becoming a citizen of Canada - , Ticket - No,
      Passage paid by - Self, Money shown - $150, Ever in US - Never. From - , To - ,
      Where - , Date last dep. - , Port of last dep. - , To whom going - Mrs Rachel (Swan or Irwan?) Atlanta xxxx
      Whether alien intends to return - Yes,
      Length of time alien intends to remain in US - 1 Week, Intend become U.S.C - ,
      Ever in Prison, almshouse etc. - , Polygamist - , Anarchist - ,
      Whether a person person who believes in or advocates the overthrow etc. - ,
      Whether coming by reason of an offer of employment - ,
      Previously deported within one year - , Health - Good, Deformed - ,
      Height 5 ft 5in, Complexion - Med, Hair - Bro, Eyes - Bro, Marks of Identification - None,
      Place of Birth - Newport, Wight, Eng,
      Seaport of landing - Quebec, Date of landing - Sept? 1921, Name of SS - Corsican,
      Travelling by - Chippewa (Long??)

      Reverse of form
      Class D

      Class - D, 1, 5

      Medical Certificate - not filled in but signed R Hensel.

      1930 US Census.
      State - New York, Incorporated Place - , Fifteenth Census of the United States: 1930 Population Schedule, County - New York, Ward of City - , Block no - L, Township or other division of county - Manhattan.
      Enumeration District No - 31-482, Supervisor's District No - 22, Sheet 8A, enumerated by me on April 21 1930, Julian G Ault.

      154 West 106th Street.

      197 Crispe Dorothy, Head, Home Rented, Rent - $65, Has Radio set, Female, White, Age last birthday - 37, Widow, Age at first marriage - 16, Attended school or college anytime since Sept 1 1929 - No, Whether able to read and write - Yes, POB person - England, POB father - England, POB Mother - England, Mother Tongue (or Native Tongue) of Foreign Born - English, Year of Immigration to the United States - 1923, Naturalized or Alien - Al, Whether able to Speak English - Yes, Occupation - Waitress, Industry - Restaurant, Class of Worker - Worker, Whether actually at work yesterday - Yes, Whether a Veteran of the US military or naval forces - .

      197 Crispe Joan, Daughter, Female, White, Age last birthday - 19, Single, Age at first marriage - , Attended school or college anytime since Sept 1 1929 - No, Whether able to read and write - Yes, POB person - England, POB father - England, POB Mother - England, Mother Tongue (or Native Tongue) of Foreign Born - English, Year of Immigration to the United States - 1923, Naturalized or Alien - Al, Whether able to Speak English - Yes, Occupation - Stenographer, Industry - , Class of Worker - Worker, Whether actually at work yesterday - Yes, Whether a Veteran of the US military or naval forces - .

      1940 US Census.
      Department of Commerce - Bureau of Census
      State - New York, Incorporated place - Queens, Ward of City - 2,
      Uninicorporated place - , County - Queens, Township or other division
      of county - Woodside, Block Nos - P,K,H, Institution - ,
      Sixteenth Census of the United States: 1940 Population Schedule, Supervisor's District No 46, Enumeration District No 41 - 690, Sheet 62-B. Enumerated by me on April 15, 1940, James S Whelan, Enumerator.

      Address, 70-44 Broadway, Woodside, Queens, New York, New York, USA.

      Household Data - Number of Household in order of visitation - 164, House owned (0) or rented (R) - R, Value of Household if owned or monthly rental if rented - 50.00

      Enter * after name of person furnishing information.

      Crispe Dorothy *, Head, Female, White, Age last birthday - 45, Widow, Attended school or college anytime since March 1 1940 - No, Highest grade of school completed - 8, CODE (Leave blank) - 8, POB - England, CODE (Leave blank) - 00, Citizenship - AL, Residence - In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935 - Same Place, CODE (Leave blank) , Person 14 years and over - Employment Status - 21 Was this person AT WORK for pay or profit in private or non emergency Govt. work during week of March 24-30 (Yes or No) - Yes, 22 If not, was he at work on, or assigned to, public EMERGENCY WORK, (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30? (Yes of No) - , If neither at work nor assigned to public emergency work. ("No: in Cols. 21 ans 22) 23 Was this person SEEKING WORK? (Yes or No) - , 24 If not seeking work did he HAVE A JOB, business, etc.? (Yes or No)? - , 25 For persons answering "No" to quest. 21, 22, 23, and 24 Indicate whether engaged in home housework (H), in school (S), unable to work (U), or other (O) - , CODE - I, If at private or non emergency Government work. ("Yes" in Col. 21) Number of hours worked during week of March 24-30, 1940 - 28,
      Occupation - Waitress, Industry - Resaurant, Class of Worker - PW, Number of weeks worked in 1939 (Equivalent in full time weeks) - 50, Amount of money wages or salary received (including commissions) - 900, Did this person receive income of $350 or more from sources other than money wages or salary ? (Yes or No) - Yes.

      Crispe Joan *, Daughter, Female, White, Age last birthday - 29, Single, Attended school or college anytime since March 1 1940 - No, Highest grade of school completed - H3, CODE (Leave blank) - 20, POB - England, CODE (Leave blank) - 00, Citizenship - AL, Residence - In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935 - Same Place, CODE (Leave blank) XOXO, Person 14 years and over - Employment Status - 21 Was this person AT WORK for pay or profit in private or non emergency Govt. work during week of March 24-30 (Yes or No) - Yes, 22 If not, was he at work on, or assigned to, public EMERGENCY WORK, (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30? (Yes of No) - , If neither at work nor assigned to public emergency work. ("No: in Cols. 21 ans 22) 23 Was this person SEEKING WORK? (Yes or No) - , 24 If not seeking work did he HAVE A JOB, business, etc.? (Yes or No)? - , 25 For persons answering "No" to quest. 21, 22, 23, and 24 Indicate whether engaged in home housework (H), in school (S), unable to work (U), or other (O) - H, CODE - 5, If at private or non emergency Government work. ("Yes" in Col. 21) Number of hours worked during week of March 24-30, 1940 - 35, If Seeking work or assigned to public emergency work (Yes in Col. 22 or 23) Duration of unemployment up to March 30, 1940 - in weeks - .
      Occupation - Secretary, Industry - xxxxx Manufacturer Class of Worker - PW, Number of weeks worked in 1939 (Equivalent in full time weeks) - 52, Amount of money wages or salary received (including commissions) - 1800, Did this person receive income of $350 or more from sources other than money wages or salary ? (Yes or No) - No.

      US Social Security Death Index
      Birth: 01 Apr 1892
      Death: Jul 1973 [2, 4, 6]
    Person ID I4608  falvey08
    Last Modified 30 Jul 2012 

    Father Arthur CRISPE,   b. Q 30 Jun 1861, Marylebone, Middlesex, London, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Mother Annie TREAGUST,   b. 1869, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage Q 30 Jun 1890  Portsea, Hampshire, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F3425  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Fnu LNU 
     1. Joan Dora CRISPE,   b. 19 Jun 1910, 39 Hunnyhill, Newport, Isle Of Wight, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Jan 1974, New York City, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 63 years)
    Family ID F3411  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 17 Jan 2025 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 1 Apr 1892 - Newport, Isle Of Wight, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 31 Mar 1901 - 15 Hunny Hill, Newport, Isle Of Wight, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 19 Jun 1910 - 39 Hunnyhill, Newport, Isle Of Wight, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsEmigration - Sep 1921 - SS Corsican, Quebec, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsEmigration - 19 Jul 1923 - SS Chippewa, Lewiston, New York, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 19 Jul 1923 - 330 Mutual St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1 Apr 1930 - 154 West 106th St., Manhattan, New York, New York, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 25 Oct 1938 - 634 West 135th St., New York, New York, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1 Apr 1940 - 70-44 Broadway, Woodside, Queens, New York, New York, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - Jul 1973 - Flushing, Queens, New York, USA Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Documents

  • Sources 
    1. [S1084] 1910 Certified copy of an entry of Birth.

    2. [S1080] Primary Inspection Memorandum.

    3. [S1060] Petition for Naturalization.

    4. [S1061] 1930 US Census.

    5. [S1069] SS Ile De France arriving at New York City USA .

    6. [S2122] 1940 US Census.