Christina (Dynie) CREEDON

Name Christina (Dynie) CREEDON [1] Birth 12 Jan 1889 11 Broad Lane, Off Great William O'Brien St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [1, 2]
Baptism 14 Jan 1889 North Cathedral, Cathedral Of St. Mary & St. Anne, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [2]
Gender Female Census 31 Mar 1901 11 Farren St., Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [1]
Occupation Scholar 1901, [1] Religion Roman Catholic [1] Residence 8 Jul 1911 Fitzgibbons Square, Off Peacock Lane, Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [3, 4]
- at time of marriage to William Healy
Residence 26 Sep 1911 12 Hodders Lane, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland - at time of birth of son Daniel
Residence 20 Jul 1913 7 Peacock Lane, (Now Gerald Griffin Ave.), Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [5]
- at time of birth of son John
Residence 21 Jul 1913 7 Peacock Lane, (Now Gerald Griffin Ave.), Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [6]
- at time of death of Mary Felton
Residence 15 Jan 1920 2 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland - at time of marriage to Michael O'Sullivan
Residence 24 Jun 1920 2 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland - at time of birth of daughter Mary
Residence 13 Mar 1922 10 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland - at time of birth of son Michael
Residence 2 May 1960 142 Farranferris Avenue, Farranree, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland - at time of death of husband Michael O'Sullivan
_UID D92F3195F8B44304B3C459BC0C040EB62172 Death Abt 30 Jun 1974 Thurrock, Essex, England Notes - Birth & Baptismal Certificate
Parish of Cathedral Diocese of Cork & Ross.
Certificate of Baptism
On examination of the Register of Baptisms of the above parish
I certify that according to it Christina Creedon, 11 Broad Lane
was born on the 12th day of January 1889.
and was baptised according to the Rites of the Catholic Church
on 14th day of January 1889
in the Church of St Marys & St Anne
by the Rev Fr McCarthy
Parents John Creedon and Mary Creedon
Sponsors Laurance Murray and Mary Daly.
Given on the 21st January 2011, signed xxx xxxxx Sacristan.
1901 Census of Ireland
11 Farren St, Cork City, Ireland.
Anne Creedon, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, age 67, F, Housekeeper, Widow, born Cork City;
Peter Creedon, Son, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, age 35, M, General Labourer, Not Married, born Cork City;
John Creedon, Son, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, age 45, M, Cooper, Widower, born Cork City;
William Creedon, Grandson, Roma Catholic, Read & Write, age 22, M, Cooper, Not Married, born Cork City;
John Creedon, Grandson, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, age 19, M, Cooper, Not Married, born Cork City;
Christina Creedon, Granddaughter, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, age 12, F, Scholar, Not Married, born Cork City;
Christopher Hennessy, Grandson, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, age 13, M, Scholar, Not Married, born Cork City;
Lizzie Hennessy, Granddaughter, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, age 10, M, Scholar, Not Married, born Cork City;
David Hennessy, Grandson, Roman Catholic, Cannot read, age 6, M, Scholar, Not Married, born Cork City;
Annie Hennessy, Granddaughter, Roman Catholic, Cannot read, age 3, M, -, Not Married, born Cork City;
1911 Marriage solemized at the Roman Catholic Cathedral Cork in the Registrar's District of 4 Urban in the union of Cork in the County of Cork.
No 59,
When married 8 Jul 1911
Name and surname William Healy, Age Full, Condition Bachelor, Rank or Profession Labourer, Residence at the Time of Marriage 3 Patricks Arch Cork, Father's Name and Surname Daniel Healy, Rank or profession of Labourer.
Name and surname Christina Creedon, Age Full, Condition Spinster, Rank or Profession - Nil, Residence at Time of Marriage Fitzgibbon Square Cork, Father's Name and Surname John Creedon, Rank or Profession of Father Labourer.
Married in the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Cork according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church by me M O'Sullivan.
This marriage was solemnised between us William Healy and Christina Creedon, Witnesses Joseph his x mark Kelly and Ellen Dineen.
1920 Marriage solemized at the Roman Catholic Cathedral Cork in the Registrar's District of 4 Urban in the union of Cork in the County of Cork.
No 97,
When married January 15th 1920
Name and surname Michael O'Sullivan, Age Full, Condition Widower,
Rank or Profession Carman, Residence at the Time of Marriage 1 St Patricks Terrace, Father's Name and Surname James O'Sullivan (Dead), Rank or profession of Cooper.
Name and surname Christina Healy nee Creedon, Age Full, Condition Widow,
Rank or Profession - Nil, Residence at Time of Marriage 2 Patricks Arch,
Father's Name and Surname John Creedon, Rank or Profession of Father Cooper.
Married in the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Cork according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church by me John J Aherne CC.
This marriage was solemnised between us Michael his x mark O'Sullivan and Christina Healy,
Witnesses William Creedon & Mary O'Connor
England GRO Deaths Index
Name - Christine O'Sulivan
Birth Date - 12 Jan 1889
Death Registration Month/Year - 1974
Registration District - Thurrock
Inferred County - Essex
Volume - 9
Page 2827 [1, 2, 3, 4]
Person ID I382 falvey08 Last Modified 29 Oct 2024
Father John (Jack) CREEDON, b. bfr 23 Aug 1856, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. 11 Feb 1921, Cork District Hospital, (Now St Finbarr's Hospital), Douglas Rd., Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland
(Age ~ 64 years)
Mother Mary CREEDON, b. bfr 24 Aug 1858, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. bfr 31 Mar 1901 (Age ~ 42 years)
Marriage 20 Jul 1878 North Cathedral, Cathedral Of St. Mary & St. Anne, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland Family ID F296 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family 1 William HEALY, b. 9 Aug 1883, 4 Old Chapel Lane, Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. 14 Oct 1915, Noeux-Les-Mines, Pas De Calais, France
(Age 32 years)
Marriage 8 Jul 1911 North Cathedral, Cathedral Of St. Mary & St. Anne, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [3]
_UID CD2D31A1DFCB49E59065E56C8EB0A84717FE Children 1. Daniel HEALY, b. 26 Sep 1911, The Lying In Hospital, Western Rd., Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland 2. John HEALY, b. 20 Jul 1913, The Lying In Hospital, Western Rd., Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. 30 Apr 1980, North Infirmary Hospital, Mulgrave Rd, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland
(Age 66 years)
Photos HealySullivanFamilycircalate40searly50sFilter Documents M1911HealyWilliamSC1778 Family ID F297 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 7 Jan 2011
Family 2 Michael (Mikie) O'SULLIVAN, b. 27 Aug 1879, 9 Lady's Well Hill, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. 2 May 1960, St Finbarr's Hospital, (Formerly The Union Hospital & Cork District Hospital), Douglas Rd., Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland
(Age 80 years)
Marriage 15 Jan 1920 North Cathedral, Cathedral Of St. Mary & St. Anne, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [4]
_UID 032FDE5653D8423E8230DBE625205A375A40 Children 1. Mary (Mary Doll) O'SULLIVAN, b. 24 Jun 1920, 2 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. Jun 2000, Brentwood, Essex, England
(Age 79 years)
2. Michael (Mick) O'SULLIVAN, b. 13 Mar 1922, 10 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland 3. (Confidential) 4. William (Billy) O'SULLIVAN, b. Abt 30 Jun 1928, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. 17 Aug 1956, Mercy Hospital, Grenville Place, Middle Parish, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland
(Age ~ 28 years)
Photos HealySullivanFamilycircalate40searly50sFilter Family ID F4034 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 29 Oct 2024
Event Map = Link to Google Earth
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Photos ChristinaCreedonc1950 ChristinaCreedonc1970W 11FarrenStreetBlackpookCork
Documents CreedonA_1901IreCen_SC194 CreedonChristina_1889BapCertSC1803 M1920OSullivanMichaelSC3258
Sources - [S194] 1901 Census of Ireland.
- [S1803] Birth & Baptism Certificate.
- [S1778] 1911 Marriage solemised at the Roman Catholic Cathedral Cork in the Registrar's District of 4 Urban.
- [S3258] 1920 Marriage solemized at the Roman Catholic Cathedral Cork in the Registrar's District of 4 Urban in the union of Cork in the County of Cork. .
- [S1801] 1913 Births Registered in the District of No 6 in the Superintendent Registrar's District of Cork in the County of Cork.
- [S511] 1913 Deaths Registered in the District of No 2 Urban in the Union of Cork in the County of Cork.
- [S194] 1901 Census of Ireland.