Notes |
- Stephen Enright in the New York, New York, U.S., Extracted Marriage Index, 1866-1937
Name: Stephen Enright
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 8 Nov 1930
Marriage Place: Queens, New York, USA
Spouse: Catherine Murphy
Certificate Number: 3370
Image Census USA>Enright downloaded but not assigned a Source No. (EnrightStephen_1940USCenSCFull.pdf)
Catherine Enright in the New York, U.S., State and Federal Naturalization Records, 1794-1943
Name: Catherine Enright [Catherine Murphy]
Race: White
Record Type: Naturalization Petition
Birth Date: 14 May 1905
Birth Place: Cork, Ireland
Departure Place: Cobh, Ireland
Arrival Date: 5 Aug 1928
Arrival Place: New York, New York
Petition Place: New York, USA
Spouse: Stephen
Petition Number: 388605
Image Citizenship Papers>Enright downloaded but not assigned a Source No. (EnrightCatherine_PetitionforCitizenshipSCFull.pdf)
Image Census USA>Enright downloaded but not assigned a Source No. (EnrightStephen_1950USCenSCFull.pdf)
Catherine Enright in the U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Name: Catherine Enright
Social Security Number: 059-01-6061
Birth Date: 14 May 1905
Issue year: Before 1951
Issue State: New York
Last Residence: 11355, Flushing, Queens, New York, USA
Last Benefit: 11355, Flushing, Queens, New York, USA
Death Date: Oct 1981
- Image 1BirthCerts>Murphy downloaded but not assigned a Source No. (B1905MurphyCatherineSCFull.pdf)
1911 Census of Ireland
5 Cathedral Avenue, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland
Denis Murphy, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, Age 36, Shipwright, Married, born County Cork.
Kate Murphy, Wife, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, Age 38, , Married, Years Married - 14, Children born Alive - 8, Children still Living 7, born City of Cork.
Richard Murphy, Son, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, Age 12, Scholar, Single, born Cork City.
Denis Murphy, Son, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, Age 10, Scholar, Single, born Cork City.
Mary C Murphy, Daughter, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, Age 9, Scholar, Single, born Cork City.
John Murphy, Son, Roman Catholic, Read, Age 7, Scholar, Single, born Cork City.
Kate Buckley, Daughter, Roman Catholic, Read, Age 5, Scholar, Single, born Cork City.
Bridget Buckley, Daughter, Roman Catholic, Cannot Read, Age 2, , Single, born Cork City.
Patrick E Buckley, Son, Roman Catholic, Cannot Read, Age 1 month, , Single, born Cork City.
John Crofts, Boarder, Daughter, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, Age 45, Shipwright, Single, born County Cork.
Image CensusIreland>Murphy downloaded but not assigned a Source No. (MurphyDenis_1911IreCenSCFull.pdf)
Image Census USA>Enright downloaded but not assigned a Source No. (EnrightStephen_1930USCenSCFull.pdf)