Name |
Jeremiah CONNOLLY |
Birth |
10 Nov 1898 |
17 Farrell's Square, Off Cattle Lane, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland |
Gender |
Male |
Acute Right Sided Heart Failure, The Result Of Chronic Bronchitis - Information Received From Jos. McCuhe Coroner For Cork Co Borough. Post Mortem Held At City Morgue On 2nd July 1960 |
Occupation |
Carman 1920, Ex British Army Soldier, Unemployed 1960, |
Residence |
31 Jan 1920 |
43 Kearney's Lane, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland |
- at time of marriage to Catherine Morey
Residence |
1 Jul 1960 |
38 Mount Nebo Ave., Gurranabraher, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland |
- before admission in the North Infirmary
_UID |
B0F67940FCA840DCAA3930C68BB3A028FE16 |
Death |
1 Jul 1960 |
North Infirmary Hospital, Mulgrave Rd, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland |
Notes |
- Image 1BirthCerts>Connolly downloaded but not assigned a Source No. (B1898ConnollyJeremiahSCFull.pdf)
Image 3DeathCerts>Connolly downloaded but not assigned a Source No. (D1960ConnollyJeremiahMountNeboSCFull.pdf)
The Evening Echo - Cork - Monday 1 July 1963
CONNOLLY-Third Anniversary-In loving memory of my dear husband, Jeremiah Connolly, late of 38 Mount Nebo Avenue, Gurranabraher, who died on July 1, 1960. On her soul Sweet Jesus have mercy. Masses offered.
We often sit and think of you.
And think of how you died;
Many times we talk of you
And many times we cried.
You never said good-bye to us.
Perhaps it's just as well.
For we never could have said it
To the one we loved so well.
But however long our lives will last,
Wherever we will be.
Whatever joy or grief be ours.
Till death we'll think of thee.
-(Always remembered by his loving wife, son Jimmy, and daughter Mary).
CONNOLLY-Third Anniversary-In loving memory of my dear father. Jeremiah Connolly, late of 38 Mount Nebo Avenue. Gurranabraher, who died on July 1, 1960. On his soul Sweet Jesus have mercy. Masses offered.
In a quiet and lonely churchyard
So very far away.
I laid a loving father
Three years ago to-day.
How constantly I think of him.
With eyes and heart that fill,
The love I had in life for him
In death grows stronger still.
-(Inserted by his loving son, John)
CONNOLLY-Third Anniversary-In loving memory of my dear father. Jeremiah Connolly, late of 38 Mount Nebo Avenue. Gurranabraher. who died on July 1. 1960. On his soul Sweet Jesus have mercy. Masses offered.
Dear father, this world will never hold
Another one like you .
Bearing our troubles, guiding us along.
May we walk in your footsteps
And never go wrong.
A precious jewel, so very rare.
Content at home, always there,
Our silent prayer will always be
To meet again in heaven with thee.
-(Inserted by his loving daughter Nancy. son-in-law and grandchildren).
CONNOLLY-Third Anniversary-In loving memory of my dear father Jeremiah Connolly, late of 38 Mount Nebo Avenue. Gurranabraher, who died on July 1. 1960. On his soul Sweet Jesus have mercy. Masses offerrd.
Silent thoughts bring many a tear
For one I miss and will never forget.
Will those who think of him to-day
A little prayer to Jesus say.
- (Inserted by his loving son Jeremiah.
CONNOLLY-Third Anniversary-In loving memory of my dear father Jeremiah Connolly, late of 38 Mount Nebo Avenue . Gurranabraher. who died on July 1. I960. On his soul Sweet Jesus have mercy. Masses offered.
July brings back sad memories
Of a loved one gone to rest:
Sweet is the memory silently kept
Of a father I loved and shall never forget.
-(Inserted by his loving son Edward.
CONNOLLY-Third Anniversary-In loving memory of my dear father Jeremiah Connolly, late of 38 Mount Nebo Avenue. Gurranabraher who died on July 1, 1960. On his soul Sweet Jesus have mercy. Masses offered.
There is a grave, far far away
A grave 1 would like to see
Where my dear father lies
Many miles across the sea.
-(Inserted by his loving son, Thomas)
CONNOLLY-Third Anniversary-In loving memory of mv dear father Jeremiah Connolly, late of 38 Mount Nebo Avenue . Gurranabraher, who died, July 1. I960. On his soul Sweet Jesus have mercy Masses
Good was his heart, in friendship sound.
Loved and respected by all around,
A beautiful life came to an end.
He died as he lived everyone's friend.
-(Inserted by his loving son, Paddy)
Person ID |
I17005 |
falvey08 |
Last Modified |
11 May 2022 |