Name Hannah FELTON Birth 8 Jun 1897 3 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [1, 2]
- Birth Cert entry no 443
Baptism 8 Jun 1897 North Cathedral, Cathedral Of St. Mary & St. Anne, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [2]
Gender Female CAUS 1a Cerebrovascular Accident; 1b Generalised Arteriosclerosis [3] Census 31 Mar 1901 19 Gerald Griffin Street, Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [4]
Census 2 Apr 1911 5 Gerald Griffin Ave., (Formerly Peacock Lane), Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland Education North Presentation Convent, Gerald Griffin St. Cork Ireland EYES Blue HEIG 5' 2" Residence 12 Jan 1922 2 Patrick's Terrace, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [5]
Residence 4 Jan 1923 2 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [6]
Residence 19 Jul 1925 7 Millfield Cottages, Mallow Rd., Blackpool, Co Cork, Ireland [7]
Residence 24 Aug 1926 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [7]
Residence 18 Aug 1929 1 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [8]
Residence 10 Sep 1931 1 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [9]
Residence 25 Sep 1936 2 Patrick's Terrace, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [10]
Residence 11 Apr 1940 87 Mount Nebo Ave., Gurranabraher, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [11]
Holiday_Vacation 9 Jul 1955 MV Britannic, From Cobh, Co Cork, Ireland [12]
Occupation Scholar 1901, Housewife, Factoryworker [4] Religion Roman Catholic Residence 9 Jul 1955 1165 Virginia Ave., Bronx, New York, USA [12]
_UID 76806A6E97094DB9B4684BB8A38A61B7D8B1 Death 26 Dec 1986 89 Spring Lane, Erdington, Birmingham, England [3]
- Death Cert entry no. 193
Burial 1987 Sutton Coldfield Cemetery, Cemetery Rd., Off Rectory Rd., Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, England [13]
Notes - Note Birth Cert has address as 3 Patrick's Arch, North Cathedral Baptism record has Birth address as 1 Patricks Square.
Births registered in the District of Cork Register page
Superintendent Registrar's District Cork Registrar's District No 2.
Births Registered in the District of No 2 in the Union of Cork in the County of Cork.
No. 443
Date and Place of Birth - Eight June 1897, 3 Patricks Arch.
Name (if any) - Hannah, Sex - F.
Name and Surname and Dwelling Place of Father - James Felton, 3 Patricks Arch.
Name and Surname and Maiden Surname of Mother - Mary Felton formerly Clothier.
Rank or Profession of Father - Cooper.
Signature, Qualification, and Residence of Informant - Nora her x mark Clothier, Aunt, Present at birth, 3 Patricks Arch.
When Registered - Fifteenth June 1897.
Signature of Registrar - Daniel J O'Mahony.
Baptism entry North Cathedral Register 13, page 190, entry 34.
Hannah Felton, birth date 08 Jun 1897, baptism date 08 Jun 1897. Townland Street - No 1 Patricks Square.
Father James Felton, Mother Mary Clothier.
Sponsors John Horgan & Elizabeth Clothier Celebrant M McCarthy. SP2 (Eliza)
Above confirm dob.(Hannah had always said it was 1898)
1901 Census of Ireland
19 Gerald Griffin St.
Mary Felton, Head of Family, Roman Catholic, Read & Write, Age - 29, F, Housekeeper, Married, Born Cork City,
Ellie Felton, Daughter, Roman Catholic, Can Read Scholar, Age - 6, F, Scholar, Not Married, Born Cork City,
Hannah Felton, Daughter, Roman Catholic, Can Read Scholar, Age - 4, F, Scholar, Not Married, Born Cork City,
James Felton, Son, Roman Catholic, Cannot Read, Age - 5 months, M, Infant, Not Married, Born Cork City,
Norah Murphy, Sister, Roman Catholic, Read Write, Age - 26, F, General Domestic Servant, Widow, born Cork City.
Norah Murphy, Niece, Roman Catholic, Cannot Read, Age - 4, F, Child, Not Married, born Cork City.
On 1911 Ireland census could read and write, Aged 13, Scholar, Single, born Cork City
Hannah Felton (and Kitty Cooper), went to a fortune teller who told her she would meet a sailor and that was the man she was going to marry. She later married Matthew Mulcahy who was a sailor,
Though she had known him since she was about 12, when they both worked at at "the Mill", (The Sunbeam), Hannah had started working there at 9 as a Doffer, then moved on to be a spinner, she had to work in her bare feet.
Church of SS Mary and Anne Shandon
I hereby certify that it appears by the MARRIAGE REGISTRY of the United
Parishes of SS. MARY AND ANNE SHANDON in the CITY OF CORK, that
Matthew Mulcahy and Hannah Felton
were MARRIED according to the Rites of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, by the
Rev Daniel O'Shea CC.
On the 12th day of January in the year of
our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred & Twenty Two (1922).
Names of Witnesses, Patrick Jones & Catherine Cooper.
Signature of Clergyman J Cohalan
Given at Cork this 16th of April 1940
Omnibus Quorum Interest Salutem
1922 Marriage solemnized at the Catholic Cathedral of Cork the Registrar's District of No 4 Urban in the Union of Cork in the County of Cork.
Marriage No 122, registered by me this 18th Day of February 1922, xxxxx Deputy Register.
When married - January 12th 1922.
Name and Surname - Matthew Mulcahy, Age - Full, Condition - Bachelor, Rank or Profession - Labourer, Residence at Time of Marriage - Millfield Cottages,
Father's Name and Surname - Denis Mulcahy, Rank or Profession of Father - Foreman.
Name and Surname - Hannah Felton, Age - Full, Condition - Spinster, Rank or Profession - , Residence at Time of Marriage - 2 Patricks Terrace,
Father's Name and Surname - James Felton, Rank or Profession of Father - Cooper.
Married in the the Catholic Cathedral of Cork according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church by me Daniel O'Shea
This marriage was solemnized between us, Matthew Mulcahy & Hannah Felton in the presence of us, Patrick Jones & Katherine Cooper
Paddy (Wacker) Jones was best man and Kitty Cooper was the bridesmaid at their wedding
Hannah went to NY in 1955 for 2-3 months, Johnnie took her there for a holiday.
She went over with Maisie and her two children, Jerry had already gone on ahead.
She came home in December for Matty's wedding.
From I-416 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, United States Customs Service
Form approved Budget Bureau No. 43-R061.1
Class - TOURIST, from COBH (Port of embarkation) 2nd July 1955
On M V "BRITANNIC" arriving at port of NEW YORK, 9th July 1955.
Prepared by Tourist Purser.
Line No. - 18.
Family name - Given Name - MULCAHY Hannah, 1165 Virginia Avenue, Bronx, N.Y.
Travel Doc. No./Nationality - V. 245489, Irish.
Number and Description of pieces of baggage - 2
This Column for use of Master Surgeon and U.S. Officers - .
U.S. Cs: Nil, Aliens : - 18. Otto H G Soyk 12.00 noon, U.S. Immigrant Inspector
Hannah suffered a series of strokes from about 1970 onwards as each stroke came the effects increased and she finally died in 1986. I remember she held a birthday party to celebrate reaching 70, as she thought she would never reach that age. She was in perfect health then not a grey hair in her head and just a few short years later she had the first stroke. That made the last two decades of her life so sad.- Matt Falvey
Death - Certified Copy of an Entry, Pursuant to the Birth and Deaths Registration Act 1953.
Death - Entry no. 193. Registration District - Birmingham, Administrative area - Metropolitan District of Birmingham.
Date and Place of Death: Twenty Six December 1986, 89 Spring Lane, Erdington.
Name and Surname - Hannah Mulcahy. Sex - Female. Maiden name of woman who has married - Felton.
Date and Place of Birth - 8 June 1897, Irish Republic.
Occupation and usual address - Widow of Matthew Mulcahy, Taxi Driver. 89 Spring Lane, Birmingham 24
Name and Surname of informant - Hannah Christine Mulcahy, Qualification - Daughter, present at the Death.
Usual address - 89 Spring Lane, Birmingham 24.
Cause of Death - 1a Cerebrovascular Accident; 1b Generalised Arteriosclerosis. Certified by N C Niven-Jenkins MB [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 14, 15]
Person ID I17 falvey08 Last Modified 28 Sep 2022
Father James FELTON, b. 13 Oct 1859, Gerald Griffin Street, Area, Blackpool, Cork City, Ireland d. 14 Nov 1948, 87 Mount Nebo Ave., Gurranabraher, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland
(Age 89 years)
Mother Mary CLOTHIER, b. 21 Mar 1872, 32 Bailey's Lane, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. 1 Jun 1934, 2 Patrick's Terrace, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland
(Age 62 years)
Marriage 7 Jul 1894 North Cathedral, Cathedral Of St. Mary & St. Anne, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland Family ID F46 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Matthew (Matt) (Matty) MULCAHY, b. 8 Aug 1899, Spangle Hill, Co Cork, Ireland d. 11 Apr 1940, 87 Mount Nebo Ave., Gurranabraher, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland
(Age 40 years)
Marriage 12 Jan 1922 North Cathedral, Cathedral Of St. Mary & St. Anne, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland [5, 15]
- Paddy (Wacker) Jones was best man and (Catherine) Kitty Cooper was the bridesmaid
_UID 09C94AF331A74EC48AC50A2F4F8FB89DB4F3 Notes - Paddy (Wacker) Jones was best man and Kitty Cooper was the bridesmaid
Children 1. Christina Mary (Maisie) MULCAHY, b. 4 Jan 1923, 2 Patrick's Terrace, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. 13 Mar 2007, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, USA
(Age 84 years)
2. James (Sâeamus) MULCAHY, b. Jan 1925, 7 Millfield Cottages, Mallow Rd., Blackpool, Co Cork, Ireland d. 19 Jul 1925, 7 Millfield Cottages, Mallow Rd., Blackpool, Co Cork, Ireland
(Age ~ 0 years)
3. Denis MULCAHY, b. Jul 1926, 1 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. 24 Aug 1926, 2 Patrick's Terrace, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland
(Age ~ 0 years)
4. Ellen (Eily) MULCAHY, b. 18 Aug 1929, 1 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. 17 Mar 2012, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands, Western Australia,
(Age 82 years)
5. Matthew Anthony (Matty) MULCAHY, b. 10 Sep 1931, 1 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. 23 Oct 1979, 71 West Shore Avenue, Dumont, New Jersey, USA
(Age 48 years)
6. Hannah Christina MULCAHY, b. 2 Dec 1933, 1 Patrick's Arch, Off Gerald Griffin St., Blackpool, Cork City, Co Cork, Ireland d. 22 Sep 2015, Heartlands Hospital, Boardsley Green East, Birmingham, England
(Age 81 years)
7. (Confidential) Photos MatthewMulcahy HannahFeltonc1917 HannahFeltonMasscard EilyMattyNevillesLoRes EilyMulcahy_HannahFelton HannahJamesFeltonHannahLilMulcahyc1947LoRes HannahLillianMulcahy_HannahJuliaFeltonc1947 HannahFelton_HannahMulcahyWFixed HannahLillianMulcahy_EileenSiobhanMoynihanCrop HannahLillianMulcahy1956 HannahFeltonSeamusFalvey_BlarneyCastle HannahFelton_MatthewSeamusFalvey HannahFelton_MatthewSeamusFalveyCrop EilyMattyNevillesLoRes MaisieMulcahySarahFirmoJuliaFelton1980_2 FeltonMulcahyFalveyMoorEndLane 87MountNeboAve 1 Patricks Arch 1965 1PatricksArch_1PatricksTerrace Family ID F14 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 2 Apr 2007
Event Map = Link to Google Earth
Pin Legend : Address
: Location
: City/Town
: County/Shire
: State/Province
: Country
: Not Set
Headstones HeadstonesMulcahyHannahGraveSuttonColdfield HeadstonesMulcahyHannahGraveSuttonColdfield2.jpg
Sources - [S311] 1897 Photocopy of Births (2 of 2) registered in the District of Cork register page.
- [S461] Cork Ancestral Project Various Printouts. Date viewed - 19 nov 2004. Date - 8 Jun 1897. Informant - Karen O'Riordan. Felton>Certifcates>File & Genealogy>Scans Images>1Birth Certs>Felton. Media Type - Paper & Jpg.
- [S254] Certified Copy of an Entry - Death.
- [S193] 1901 Census of Ireland.
- [S1078] 1922 Marriage Solemized at the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Cork.
- [S618] Note there are Two Certs for this Source no. B1923MulcahyChristinaSC618.psd & B1923MulcahyChristinaOSC618.psd.
- [S107] John Mulcahy, Whitechurch. Co Cork., Whitechurch, Co Cork, Burial Register - Mulcahy's.
- [S619] 1929 Births registered in the District of Cork No 2.
- [S620] 1931 Births Registered in the District of Cork No 2 in the County of Co. Cork.
- [S757] 1936 Photocopy of Births Registered in the District of Cork register page.
- [S825] 1940 Deaths Registered in the District of No 3 Urban, in the Superintendent Registrar's District of Cork in the County of Cork.
- [S1190] RMS Mauretania arriving at port of New York.
- [S471] Grant of burial Plot Sutton Coldfield, England.
- [S904] 1911 Census of Ireland.
- [S253] Certificate of Marriage.
- [S311] 1897 Photocopy of Births (2 of 2) registered in the District of Cork register page.